‘DRI does its bit for ‘Ecosystem Restoration’
‘DRI does its bit for ‘Ecosystem Restoration’
News Anchor Madhu
New Delhi : DRI has organized a drawing competition among the children studying at DRI and Bry-Air Pathshalas to celebrate
World Environment Day. This will help to raise awareness and highlight the importance of environment and sustainability.
DRI along with Bry-Air, flagship companies of Pahwa group, has been focusing on restoration of our EcoSystem through various initiatives, viz plantation drives, reclaiming and reforestation, to increase green cover and thus improving quality of air.
The latest is the afforestation in Kadooki village, Alwar, Rajasthan where a forest of more than 500 medicinal and fruit-bearing trees is under development. This will help in re-greening of the area as well as being able to provide fruits for the locality.
1500 pomegranate trees were planted in the arid region of Barmer, Rajasthan which are now providing sustenance to the farmers, who sell the fruit and earn their livelihood.
Almost 7 acres of Sanjay Van, Delhi was restored in order to
· Restore and conserve the native Aravali vegetation with the plantation of local species of trees like Dhak, Khair, Khejri, etc.
· Trees raised – existing native trees (approx. 25,000) by dispersing seeds, nurturing / transplanting germinated saplings
· Selective planting of Fauna friendly vegetation
· Cleaning of discharged sewage water/ effluents from ponds
· Emphasis to plant appropriate vegetation all around water body
· Introduction of bird friendly fishes in ponds
The Pahwa Group CSR is also active in various WASH activities to provide clean drinking water and sanitation to the communities they serve. This includes installations of Community Water Centres, CWCs, in various villages in Haryana and Rajasthan. The clean and cool drinking water obtained from these plants helps to eradicate water-borne diseases, and also provides a livelihood to the villagers who are able to sell the water for various events like marriages in the surrounding villages.
DRI and Bry-Air are in the process of building more community WASH facilities, as well as setting up check dams, which will help to prevent soil erosion and support groundwater recharge, especially in arid regions. In keeping with UN SDGs, the group has also installed 15 CUM size Rainwater Harvesting Structures at Literacy India Vidhyapeeth premises. This rainwater harvesting structure is helping to save over 5.89 lac liter per year. This is additional to the companies’ water harvesting activities at their own locations.
One of the core objectives of the company is to directly impact communities through CSR initiatives. These mainly focus on Vision (Eye Care), Education, Environment and Sustainability. Bry-Air & DRI in association with their NGO partners have touched over 56,000 lives in the last 10 years, directly impacting and enhancing quality of life.
Anandita Pahwa, Group CSR Head mentioned that “The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ and that has been our special focus this year by conservation and restoration so that the green cover around us is increased and quality of air we breathe is less polluted.”
Social Responsibility is deeply ingrained in our company culture.
On this World Environment Day, we would like to highlight environment and sustainability as a hugely important aspect of the work we do. It is our job to conserve and safeguard our resources for future generations, actions small and big all count towards achieving this goal.
She also released a video showcasing these initiatives and development work in the field of Environment.
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