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33% of heart attack patients from Baniya community group” Padma Bhushan Cardiologist Dr. T.S.Kler


33% of heart attack patients from Baniya community group”  Padma Bhushan Cardiologist Dr. T.S.Kler

Dr. Kler said “in my experience being a Bania is addition risk factor for CAD, angina & heart attacks. This may be due to their sedentary life-style, taking too much of sweets, obesity & might be genetic factors”

Chief Editor Yogesh

Gururgam: Coronary artery disease, the one that causes heart attack is one of the leading causes of death in India. A further community and ethnicity wise analysis finds the prevalence of CAD highest among the Baniya community.

In my experience of 32 years in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab & surrounding states patients of Coronary artery disease in Delhi & North India are split as follows – if we take their ethnicity, Banias (Aggarwals , Jains , gupta etc) 33%, Punjabis 20%, Brahmins 15%, Farmers 10% , Muslims 10% & rest are mixed ethnicity 

This was told by Padma Bhushan awardee Cardiologist Dr. T.S Kler, who works as Chairman of Cardiology at Fortis Memorial & research Institute, Gurugram, in a press conference.

 He says that “in my experience being a Bania is addition risk factor for CAD, angina & heart attacks. This may be due to their sedentary life-style, taking too much of sweets, obesity & might be genetic factors”

Dr. Kler said that “Coronary heart disease, the one that causes heart attacks, accounts for one in four deaths from heart disease in India. It is evidently noted that a person’s occupation & lifestyle has a direct influence on the chances of him or her suffering from a heart attack. He says that Community values greatly drives the professional & living style of people in India, it is therefore vital to highlight its role in healthcare & disease management.

Dr. Kler says that “A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The blockage is most often a build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque in the arteries that feed the heart (coronary arteries). The most common risk factors that lead to heart attack are – family history of heart disease, smoking, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, heavy alcohol consumption, stress, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. 

Dr. Kler informs that More than 90% of deaths from heart attack are preventable if treated on time. The most common heart attack symptoms are severe chest pain & discomfort, accompanied with sweating and difficulty in breathing. In case symptoms present, it is advisable to administer disprin tablets and immediately approach the nearest Doctor.

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